This week, I intended to blog about the editing workshop I went to last weekend (it was REALLY good), but life has been rather curmudgeonly towards me of late and thus, that post remains in my head. Instead, I have some of my favourite blogs and websites for you, to round off our week of sharing the linkage ...
Writing Blogs
First up, Murderati - a group of thriller, mystery and suspense writers who, on a daily basis, hand out their pearls of wisdom with much hilarity and awesome generosity. I learn something new, and go away with much to mull over, with every visit. Bet you will, too.
One of Murderati’s bloggers, Alexandra Sokoloff, has a terrific blog of her own. A screen writer for many years, she focuses on craft, and what she doesn’t know about writing just isn’t *worth* knowing, IMO. Go there and LEARN, people.
I also visit Mysterious Matters, Murder She Writes and Hey, There’s a Dead Guy in the Living Room, to get my fix of author blogs with a murderous bent – erm, cos that’s what I write about. I’m not some sort of psycho. Really. (g)
Agent and Editor Blogs
As with the rest of us here at ATWOP, I read Nathan Bransford, Janet Reid and Kristin Nelson without fail; and two other blogs worth keeping up with are those of Rachelle Gardner and Betsy Lerner. Rachelle is an agent, and shares her excellent, level-headed advice on a daily basis; Besty is an editor and … well, the advice is equally as good, but with more of a martini swilling, chain-smoking, dry as dust sense of humour, delivery. Hilarious.
Historical Fiction
And because the murder and mayhem in my book occur in nineteenth century Paris, two of my favourite sites for keeping up with what’s happening in the world of historical fiction are Historical Tapestry and Reading the Past. Loads of great stuff there.
And that’s about it from me. I promise to give you the low down on editing next week (ahem – yeah, right, a craft post from me. Good grief.) And I don’t know about you, but I am positively on the edge of my seat in anticipation of our author interview tomorrow! Can’t wait!
Great links Rachel - they make me wish I was writing a mystery! Off to check out the historical sites...